📄️ Events
Creating plugins is a work around of the game engine's eventing. You hook into an event and work with the data that came in.
📄️ Player
To simplify plugin development, we combined two entities from the Source 2 engine - PlayerController and PlayerPawn into
📄️ Chat
Chat allows plugin creators to inform the player, and can also be a place where server creators publish important news for players.
📄️ Weapons
With the resourcemod 1.0.30-beta update, you now have the ability to use the Weapons API. At the moment it is still beta API and not all possible methods are available.
📄️ Server
The server class allows you to get up-to-date information about the server, as well as manage it.
📄️ Console
The console object is global for all contexts. Same as nodejs one.
📄️ Exception handling
The error handling is exactly like the error handling of any javascript runtime you know.
📄️ Precache resources
In Source2 you need to "pre-cache" assets like models or music in order to use them on the server.
📄️ Supported Events
As we create a more user-friendly API for server creators - we don't currently support all events. Below is the list of